Mar 13, 2025
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Theatre, leading to a B.A. degree
Major Requirements
All students will take twelve courses, ten in the theatre program and two cognates drawn from other disciplines. At least one course must focus on an historically underrepresented theatre tradition. In consultation with theatre faculty advisors, students in the theatre major select courses that cultivate and strengthen specialized affinities (such as acting, directing, design, technical theatre, stage management, playwriting, performance studies, and more) while also exploring new interests within their developing identities as theatremakers. Students majoring in theatre may also major or minor in dance. Students with a strong interest in musical theatre are encouraged to take coursework in dance and singing every semester; some may wish to also double-major or minor in music, or double-major or minor in dance. Foundations Courses (two 1-unit courses)
These two Foundations courses introduce students to the critical study of theatre and performance, as well as to the analysis of play texts. They are to be taken during the first year. Practices Courses (at least two 0.5 unit courses)
Practices courses introduce students to artistic craft skills, which permeate all veins of theatre and are essential platforms for higher-level training. Students are required to take two Practices courses as early in their trajectory as possible, ideally within the first three semesters. One of these must be a Stagecraft course. Artistic Process Courses (at least three 1-unit courses)
Artistic Process courses are those focused more on the making of theatre than on the critical analysis of it. Students are required to take three such courses, at least two of which must be drawn from different sub-disciplines: Acting, Directing, Design & Technical Theatre, Playwriting, and Stage Management. At least one Artistic Process course must be taken at the 300-level. Design & Technical Theatre
Theatre Scholarship Courses (at least three 1-unit courses)
These seminar style courses explore important movements and traditions in theatre theory, history and literature, as well as influential methods of analyzing theatre. Students are required to take three Theatre Scholarship courses, at least two of which must be cognates – theatre-related courses offered by departments outside of the Theatre Program. Elective Courses (at least one 1-unit course)
Elective courses are chosen in consultation with academic advisors; they provide students the opportunity to tailor their major experience to their interests. To satisfy the Elective requirement, students must take one additional course selected from the Practices, Artistic Process or Theatre Scholarship categories. However, students are not limited to one course; they are encouraged to take as many electives as they choose, so long as they satisfy all other major requirements. CUE
To be taken during the senior year, this culminating studio course is a semester-long theatre-making project created in collaboration with a member of the theatre faculty. Historically Underrepresented Theatre Traditions
A great deal of vital theatre has arisen within minoritized communities, and many important global theatre traditions have been marginalized within the traditional Western theatrical canon. All Theatre majors must take at least one Artistic Process, Theatre Scholarship or Elective course that focuses on such an underrepresented theatre. These courses will be identified by the Theatre Program as Historically Underrepresented Theatre Traditions courses. |