2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Graduate and Continuing Education


A.J. Lemheney, Ed.D., Vice President and Executive Director
vacant, Dean, Graduate Studies
Jane E. Hudak, M.Ed., Dean, School of Continuing Studies and Summer Study
Email: continuingstudies@muhlenberg.edu / graduatestudies@muhlenberg.edu
Phone: 484-664-3300

For over 150 years, Muhlenberg College has been educating students in the liberal arts tradition. Seeing a need for evening study in our community, the College began offering adult education courses in 1910. Over a century later, the tradition of quality continues.

The mission of Muhlenberg College Division of Graduate and Continuing Education is to provide lifelong learners the opportunity to continue and enhance their education and to do so in ways that recognize their experience, maturity, motivation, life circumstances, and capacity for independent scholarship.

Through positive, inclusive, and innovative approaches to learning, the mission of the Division of Graduate and Continuing Education is to transform people’s lives, build community and enhance society.Lifelong learners are very different from traditional-age full-time students.  Recognizing this, we offer innovative programs of study with distinct and specialized opportunities for graduate and undergraduate degrees and certificates.

Graduate Studies

Academic Mission - School of Graduate Studies

In keeping with the College’s mission, graduate education continues the goal of developing each individual’s capacity for a life of leadership and service by challenging and strengthening mind, spirit, character, and community. The School of Graduate Studies contributes to intellectual life at the College by enabling graduate students to engage in scholarly study and research, and to prepare for professional work.

Graduate Programs Overview

The School of Graduate Studies offers graduate degrees with multiple pathways that provide flexibility for the adult learner to create their graduate experience. Degrees and certificates are taught in a format that blends in-person classroom discussion with online and virtual components.

  • Master’s degree programs are designed to give experienced professionals and more recent college graduates the skills and expertise to be highly successful in their field. Each degree program can be completed within two calendar years.
  • Graduate-level certificate programs allow professionals to hone in-depth knowledge in a particular field to expand their skills, gain a competitive advantage in hiring and promotion, transition to a new career, and earn credit that can be applied  to the corresponding master’s degree. Certificate programs can be completed within one calendar year (twelve months).

For both degree and certificate programs, two consecutive eight-week courses run each fall, spring and summer term.

The Office of Graduate Studies is located on the second floor of Peter F. Gabriel House and is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8 a.m. to 5 a.m., and Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. by appointment.

Complete information about graduate programs and policies is available on the graduate studies website at www.muhlenberg.edu/graduatestudies. Current and prospective students are advised to consult the web version of the catalog and the websites of the Office of Graduate Studies for updated policies and additional information.

Academic Objectives of Graduate Programs


  • Integrate knowledge and information from a range of disciplines and fields of knowledge
  • Develop knowledge and skills in leading and collaborating with colleagues of diverse backgrounds and capabilities
  • Explore and practice a field of study with global awareness and sensibilities in the context of personal, organizational, and societal ethics and values
  • Use analytical skills in decision-making and planning
  • Identify paths for strategic success and create value for organizations and their stakeholders

Degree Programs
Applied Analytics for Organizations (MAA), Master’s Degree  
Organizational Leadership (MOL), Master’s Degree  

Certificate Programs 
Applied Analytics for Organizations, Graduate Certificate  
Organizational Leadership, Graduate Certificate  

Admission Policies - School of Graduate Studies

Admission Requirements for Master’s Degree Programs   

Muhlenberg College admits applicants whose profile (a combination of prior academic performance, career accomplishments, community engagement through volunteerism, and other leadership activities) demonstrates the greatest potential for graduate study and contribution to both their profession and to a diverse society.

Admission decisions are based on many factors, such as:

  • Prior academic degree and official transcripts
  • A personal statement addressing personal characteristics, acquired skills, and intellectual abilities, including preparation in the desired field of study connecting graduate/professional goals with the academic program
  • Performance on graduate entrance exams (GRE/GMAT) - optional if undergraduate grade-point average (GPA) is 3.000 or higher
  • Relevant work experience represented by résumé or curriculum vitae
  • Interview with our VP Executive Director or Dean of Graduate Studies or other graduate program advisor

Undergraduate students who wish to apply will need to secure approvals from their academic advisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies before the end of their junior year.


Applicants for the Organizational Leadership (MOL), Master’s Degree  will typically have a minimum of two years’ full-time work experience.  We also recommend that entering students have a basic foundation in accounting and finance, such as financial accounting or principles-level economics. College seniors or recent graduates may meet this requirement through appropriate professional work experiences through internships, summer work, externships, and projects that may be sufficient.

Applicants to the Applied Analytics for Organizations (MAA), Master’s Degree  will have successfully completed statistics and calculus courses within the last five years. For those who do not meet this requirement or who desire to refresh their knowledge and skills, we offer a half-unit pre-course covering mathematical concepts integral to a student’s success in the master’s program. Muhlenberg College juniors and/or seniors may enroll in the MAA program in conjunction with their bachelor’s degree with certain graduate courses fulfilling both their undergraduate and graduate requirements. College seniors from other institutions are welcome to apply.  However, students from other institutions will need to check with their home institution if credit transfer is desired.

The Application for Admission may be completed online. Application information and the form are available at www.muhlenberg.edu/graduatestudies/graduateadmission/applynow/.

Applicants are prompted to provide the following documents and, if their application meets the criteria, to arrange a personal interview with the VP & Executive Director or Dean of Graduate Studies.

  • A statement, 450-750 words, that speaks to the applicant’s personal characteristics (ethical leadership, perseverance, emotional intelligence), acquired skills (research, writing, presenting), and intellectual abilities (creativity, area of knowledge, analytical thought).
  • Current résumé or curriculum vitae
  • Unofficial transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate coursework are sufficient to complete the online application. Official transcripts in electronic PDF format are required after a student is admitted and should be submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies. To be considered for acceptance to master’s degree programs, applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree at an accredited institution with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.000.
    • International credentials and academic records must be official documents issued by the institution, provided in the original language, and accompanied by a certified or notarized English translation.
  • Application fee: $75
    • Application fees are always waived for:
      • those who have completed a Muhlenberg graduate certificate and wish to enter a masters program;
      • current Muhlenberg undergraduate students;
      • Muhlenberg alumni; or
      • Muhlenberg emloyees, their spouse, or their children.
    • The application fee is returned to students admitted and enrolled in the form of a Berg Bucks that can be used in Muhlenberg Dining Services or Bookstore after the start of their first course
  • Official GMAT/GRE test scores. Under certain conditions, for those applicants with a final undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher or having at least two years of full-time professional work experience, GMAT/GRE test scores may be waived. GMAT/GRE exams must be taken within the last five years.
  • English language proficiency (see International Applicants)
  • Optional: Letter(s) of recommendation that speaks to the applicant’s professional and/or academic acumen. Recommenders may upload letters as part of their application or by email to AJ Lemheney, Ed.D.,  Vice President & Executive Director, Division of Graduate and Continuing Education

An Interview decision will be rendered within two business days after completed application material is submitted. Applicants will receive an email notification from the Dean of Graduate Studies to arrange the admission interview.

Admission decisions are made after the personal interview. Accepted students receive formal emailed notice of the acceptance, including instructions to return the signed intention to enroll and deposit fee of $500, which will be applied to their account. The Dean of Graduate Studies will then provide enrollment information.


All applicants will be required to make a non-refundable deposit of $500, which will be fully applied to their student account. Should a graduate student need to withdraw their acceptance and cancel their enrollment, they can petition the Dean of Graduate Studies for a partial or full refund.


Application material should be submitted by July 15 for the following fall semester; by December 1 for the spring semester; by April 15 for the summer semester.

International Applicants

International applicants for graduate programs must have completed a bachelor’s degree in the United States or equivalent foreign degree. Those whose native language is not English, or who did not receive a bachelor’s or higher degree in an English speaking country, must meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements by submitting IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores. United States citizenship or permanent resident status does not determine the need for English language proficiency.

Admission Requirements for Graduate Certificate Programs


To be considered for acceptance to certificate programs, applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree at an accredited institution. Within the past five years, applicants for the certificate in Applied Analytics for Organizations must have passed a college-level course in Statistics with a minimum grade of B.

The Application for Admission form may be completed online and supporting documents uploaded on the web site: www.muhlenberg.edu/graduatestudies/graduateadmission/applynow/.

Applicants submit the following:

  • A personal statement that includes preparation in the desired field of study and connects graduate and/or professional goals with the academic program
  • Current résumé or curriculum vitae
  • Application fee: $75
    • Note the fee will be waived for the inaugural applicants for 2020-2021
    • Application fees are always waived for:
      • Current Muhlenberg undergraduate students
      • Muhlenberg alumni
      • Muhlenberg employees, their spouse or their children
    • The application fee is returned to students admitted and enrolled in the form of a Berg Bucks that can be used in Muhlenberg Dining Services or Bookstore after the start of their first course
  • English language proficiency (see International Applicants)

Admission decisions will be rendered within two business days after the application material is submitted. Accepted applicants will receive formal emailed notification of acceptance from the Dean of Graduate Studies, including instructions to return the signed intention to enroll and deposit fee of $500, which will be applied to their account. The Dean of Graduate Studies will then provide enrollment information.

Subsequent Admission to Master’s Degree Program

Candidates for admission to a master’s program who have completed the corresponding graduate certificate with a final cumulative GPA of 3.0 may receive preference. They should schedule a personal interview with the Executive Director or Dean of Graduate Studies and follow the application procedures for the master’s degree.

General notices

The satisfaction of minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission.  Academic performance is not the sole criterion for admission to the College. The College takes a holistic approach to each application including professional and life experience that makes them an excellent candidate.

All documents submitted to the School of Graduate Studies Admissions become the property of Muhlenberg College and will not be returned.

Tuition and Fees


Graduate courses are typically awarded one unit, the equivalent of four semester hours. Master’s degrees range from 10-12 total course units, depending upon the program. Graduate certificates are 3-6 units.

A Muhlenberg graduate program offers significant benefits for students. 

  • Tuition rates are guaranteed for the duration of the degree program
    • An exception is made for a Leave of Absence (LOA). Upon return from the LOA, tuition will be at the current rate with a new guarantee in effect for a subsequent two-year period.
  • Textbooks for all courses are included as part of the tuition.
  • The following fees are also included in the tuition: technology, laboratory, library, career center, orientation, commencement, parking permits, graduate student activities, and unofficial transcripts.

Tuition and fees must be paid consistent with established due dates to avoid late payment charges, typically two weeks before the start of the semester (see Billing and Payment Due Dates for the appropriate dates. Students with outstanding obligations will not be permitted to register, change enrollment status, have transcripts released or participate in commencement exercises until all commitments are met.

Tuition deferment is available to students whose employers offer tuition reimbursement. Otherwise, tuition and fees will be billed and must be paid prior to the start of class.    

  • $3,200 per course; includes textbooks and certain fees

Other Fees applicable to graduate students:

  • $75 Application fee
    • The application fee is waived for graduates of the certificate program who enter a master’s degree program; current Muhlenberg undergraduate students; Muhlenberg alumni; Muhlenberg employees, their spouses or their children. For those who are enrolled and admitted and do not qualify for a waiver, the application fee is converted into Berg Bucks which may be used for campus purchases.

Financial Obligations

Muhlenberg College accepts cash, check, and credit cards. Students who have outstanding account balances, including tuition, parking and library fines, will not be able to register for an upcoming term.  Payment can be made in-person or online.

By federal law, students for whom the Veteran’s Administration has not yet paid tuition and fees for their veteran’s benefits under the Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services (Chapter 31) are not subject to the College’s usual holds, restrictions, or late fees for such monies. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Funding Graduate Education

A dedicated Financial Aid Administrator is available to assist graduate students. To make an appointment with Ms. Kim Myerson, accepted students may call 484-664-3164 or email kimmyerson@muhlenberg.edu

Since many area companies have tuition reimbursement plans for their employees, students should contact their employers’ human resources department for benefits information. Tuition deferment is available to students whose employers offer tuition remission.

Veterans who want to apply for benefits under the current GI Bill® should discuss their eligibility and application process with their academic advisor. See the Veterans Portal for more information. 

Online sources of funding include but are not limited to such sites as Fastweb, FinAid, GGrad, Unigo, Scholarship America, and Sallie Mae’s Graduate Scholarship Search.

Degree Requirements

Academic Requirements

Students enrolled in master’s degree programs are expected to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.000 and satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their degree. No final course grade lower than C may be counted toward a graduate degree. No graduate degree student who receives more than four final course grades below B- may continue in the program.

Graduate programs may include additional conditions based upon completion of specific course syllabus requirements, including but not limited to oral and/or written examinations, written papers and presentations, and research. 

Continuity of registration (including summer term) must be maintained until all requirements for the degree have been completed, with the exception of approved leaves of absence. Under normal circumstances, a master’s degree will be completed in two years and will not exceed five years from the initial course enrollment.

Students in graduate certificate programs are encouraged to maintain a 3.000 GPA, which will give them an advantage if they later apply for enrollment in the corresponding master’s degree program. A graduate certificate will be completed in one year or less and will not exceed three years from the initial course enrollment.

Culminating Capstone Experience

Master’s degree students complete a culminating capstone experience.  

For research in which human beings participate as subjects conducted under the auspices of Muhlenberg College, by its faculty, students, and staff: such research is subject to review by the College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB is the body charged with reviewing, prior to its commencement, all research, and experimental activities in which human beings participate as subjects as well as research by external researchers seeking to use Muhlenberg College students or personnel as research subjects.

Minimum Credit Hours

The number of courses required to complete the master’s degree may vary  depending upon the program. Consult with the Dean of Graduate Studies for further information. The degree can be completed in as little as two years.

Graduate Academic Policies

Academic Standing

Graduate degree students are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to remain in good standing. 

A student whose end-of-semester record does not meet degree standards will be notified that they have been placed on academic probation and will be allowed two additional courses to raise the GPA to 3.000 and avoid dismissal. If the student achieves a 3.000 within that period, they are returned to and expected to remain in good standing. If the GPA falls below 3.000 a second time, the student will be dismissed. Graduate students can be placed on academic probation only once during the degree program.  

Graduate students who have been dismissed for unsatisfactory scholarship may petition the Dean of Graduate Studies, in writing, for readmission after one term away. If approved, the student will be readmitted on probation and may be dropped again with any additional final course grade below B-. No student may be readmitted more than once.

If a petition for readmission is denied, the student may submit a written appeal for reconsideration to the Vice President and Executive Director, Division of Graduate and Continuing Education, who will convene a committee of administrators and faculty to hear the appeal and render a final decision. The decision of the committee is not eligible for further appeal. 

Class Attendance

Graduate students are responsible for class attendance. Faculty members are not obligated to review class material, give makeup examinations or make special arrangements to accommodate absences. Individual faculty members may state in the syllabus a maximum number of absences allowed before a student fails a course.

Credit for Work Elsewhere

Muhlenberg College recognizes that returning adults may have acquired college-level knowledge outside of the classroom through formal or informal study as well as life and work experience. To evaluate this learning, the GCE uses the standards developed by the American Council of Education, regarding acceptance of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores, National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS, formerly PONSI) recommendations, and portfolio assessment.

Acceptance of any credit for prior learning in lieu of courses in the major will be at the discretion of the department chair. All credit for prior learning will be considered transfer credit and is subject to the same conditions as traditional college transfer credit. The Dean of Continuing Education will forward to the Office of the Registrar original score reports or official ETS transcripts along with an Advanced Standing Form that provides the equivalent course and grade. For NCCRS or Portfolio Assessment, credit-appropriate documentation will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar along with the Advanced Standing Form.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP):  GCE students can make arrangements to take a CLEP test through the GCE. GCE students who register for CLEP examinations should have official score reports sent to the Dean of the GCE. Students wishing to submit scores from prior CLEP examinations will need official transcripts from the Education Testing Service. Scores that meet the American Council of Education minimums (those equivalent to a C-minus or better) will be accepted as transfer courses.

National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS): Muhlenberg GCE will award transfer units for non-collegiate sponsored instruction that has been evaluated by the American Council of Education and documented by the organization where the coursework took place.

Portfolio Assessment: Portfolios of work or life experience that have been assessed and granted credit through Thomas Edison College of New Jersey will be accepted as transfer units to Muhlenberg College.

Transfer Credit: Students may transfer up to three graduate courses towards their Muhlenberg degree where an equivalency in the degree program is found and in consultation with the Dean of Graduate Studies.  It is the students’ responsibility to obtain all necessary credit and course information, which may include course description, syllabus, and learning outcomes, from the transferring institution.

Graduate Credit and Grades

Muhlenberg College uses a course system (units) to emphasize the mastery of subject matter in contrast to the credit system that measures achievement in terms of time spent in class. Each course listed in this catalog should be assumed to be one course unit unless an alternate value is given.

A course as a unit of instruction may include a combination of lecture, discussion, recitation, computer work, group projects, and laboratory work. Courses scheduled for instruction each week also include additional instructional activities (e.g., supplemental workshops, participation in lectures and performances, service learning, field work). The course is the entire learning experience, not merely the time spent in the classroom. Such an approach delegates to students greater responsibility for their own education and encourages active learning. Each course unit is of equal value and should be considered the equivalent of four semester hours for conversion purposes. A full-time graduate degree candidate is typically enrolled for two course units during the fall and spring semesters and summer session, for a total of six course units per year.

Graduate programs at Muhlenberg College require a minimum of 10-12 course units determined by the specific program.

No final course grade lower than C will count toward the graduate degree. No courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis may be taken by graduate students.

Grading in Graduate Programs

Quality points are assigned to each traditional letter grade by course unit. A student’s grade point average (GPA) is the sum of quality points divided by the total attempted course units. Grades are made available to students via Capstone Online.

Quality points assigned to each traditional letter grade by course unit:

Grade Quality Points for 1 course unit
A+, A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
F 0.0
I Incomplete.  An incomplete may be assigned when the student presents a compelling reason for the inability to complete course requirements by the end of the term.  Incompletes will not be calculated in the GPA until such time as they are converted into a traditional letter grade.  Completion of the work must be arranged with the instructor and a grade submitted to the Registrar no later than 35 days after the deadline for submitting final grades for the semester.  An incomplete grade not assigned a traditional letter grade in 35 days will be recorded as “F”.
VF Academic Integrity Code Violation (no course unit awarded, treated as failing for GPA calculation).
VW Academic Integrity Code Violation Withdrawal (no course unit awarded, no GPA calculation).
W Withdrawal (no course unit awarded, no GPA calculation)

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence indicates the student’s intention to return to the graduate program.

A student considering a leave of absence from the graduate program is strongly encouraged to meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies before completing a Leave of Absence Request form. Upon approval, the student may take a leave of absence for up to one year, with an additional year possible by request. Students  who need  more than two years away from the graduate program will have to apply for readmission.  

The Leave of Absence Request form should be submitted prior to the beginning of the semester when the leave would take effect. After the start of classes, the student requesting a leave of absence will also submit a form to drop the course and may be responsible for a prorated course fee.

Leave of Absence and Withdrawal - Medical

Unforeseeable medical issues may occur during the course of the semester which may impact a student’s ability to meet the academic expectations of a particular course. The College, therefore, encourages students to consider carefully their situation, to clarify their objectives, and to consider whether they should temporarily interrupt their study. Students considering a course withdrawal should confer with their advisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Leave of Absence - Military

A graduate student who is called to active military duty should report the obligation for military service in writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies as soon as reasonably possible after receiving the orders. The student will be granted a military leave of absence from the graduate program and will be readmitted with the same academic status achieved when last attending. The length of absence cannot exceed five years.

Readmission/Return After Leave of Absence, Academic Dismissal or Withdrawal from the College

A graduate student wishing to return from an approved leave of absence should contact the Dean of Graduate Studies before registering for classes.

Students who for any reason have not been enrolled for one or more calendar years must petition the Dean of Graduate Studies for readmission. 

Students who have been dismissed for unsatisfactory academic performance are ineligible to enroll for the next term. After one term away, they may petition the Dean of Graduate Studies for readmission. If approved, the student will be readmitted conditionally and may be dismissed  again if a final course grade is below a B-.

A student who was either voluntarily or unofficially withdrawn from the College may petition the Dean of Graduate Studies for readmission after one term away.

Repeated courses

Graduate students may retake a course in which they earned a grade of C+, C, or F. Courses in which the student earns a B- or greater cannot be repeated. A student may repeat a course only once. Withdrawal from a course counts as an attempt.

If a student repeats a course, all grades for the course are calculated into the cumulative GPA and listed on the academic record. Course credits from a repeated course count only once toward satisfying graduation credit requirements.

Self-Designed Major

Highly motivated students may propose a self-designed major not falling within one of the departments or interdisciplinary study programs.  The proposal must include a coherent rationale for the structure, course content of the major, comparison with other institutions’ parallel programs, and the endorsement of a faculty member willing to serve as advisor.  Students can find guidelines on the Provost’s website in the Curriculum Committee Section.  In consultation with an assigned advisor from the GCE Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee and the sponsoring faculty advisor, the student submits the plan to the GCE committee.  The proposal must be approved by the GCE committee and the Dean of Continuing Studies, normally prior to the beginning of the junior year.  A student wishing to begin the process of pursuing this option should contact the Dean of Continuing Studies.  

Time to Complete Degree

Under normal circumstances, a master’s degree will be completed within two years of the initial enrollment and will not exceed five years without the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies. A graduate certificate will be completed in one year or less and will not exceed three years from the initial enrollment.

Non-Degree Options (Non-Matriculating Students)

Interested students may take up to three graduate units without matriculating in a graduate program.  Students taking a graduate course without having been admitted must have an earned baccalaureate degree, meet course prerequisites, have a cumulative GPA of 3.000 or higher, and approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies

Withdrawal from the College

A voluntary withdrawal indicates the student will terminate the graduate program. A student wishing to withdraw from the program must meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies and complete a Withdrawal Form. Students who have withdrawn from a program may apply for and be considered for readmission after a period of one semester.


Accelerated Programs

The School of Continuing Studies offers an accelerated degree-completion program in the following: Bachelor of Business Administration, major in Business Administration (GCE, leading to accelerated B.B.A. only)  with optional concentration areas in Healthcare Management , Human Resources Leadership , and Supply Chain Management  ; and Bachelor of Information Systems, major in Information Systems Management, (GCE, leading to accelerated B.I.S. only) .  Students learn collaboratively in a feedback-intensive program that prepares them for leadership in their chosen field and graduate level academic study.  The curriculum is designed for immediate application to the workplace and develops communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills.

Students in these programs complete 16 modules of study in a team-based, experiential-learning environment.  They attend one four-hour class each week and meet outside of class for a weekly three- to four-hour session during which they work together on team projects and presentations.  The program concludes with a culminating capstone project.  This project is completed in cooperation with a local not-for-profit or for-profit organization whereby the students act as a consulting group to the organization.  The students then present their findings to a panel of their instructors.

Students who complete the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or Bachelor of Information Systems (BIS) degree with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.700 or higher (within the accelerated degree program) will have the honor “with distinction” added to their diploma and their transcript.

Liberal Arts Programs

Adult students have the option to enroll in traditional 15-week program and 8-week weekend sessions. The weekend sessions are available only to Continuing Studies students and incorporate pedagogical practices appropriate to this population.  While most classes feature in-classroom instruction, a limited number of courses are now offered in online and blended learning formats.

Regular Muhlenberg College Day students may register in courses offered through the School of Continuing Studies’ 15-week session during the add/drop period, on a space-available basis, with permission from the appropriate department chair.  No more than one such course may be registered in any one semester, and registration is possible only after consultation with the student’s academic advisor.

Continuing Studies students may also earn the Associate of Arts degree in selected majors or enroll in courses for their own enrichment.  Additionally, the School of Continuing Studies oversees a highly regarded Teacher Certification Program and on-site workplace learning opportunities. See www.muhlenberg.edu/continuingstudies for more information.

Associate of Arts Degree

For some students, completing an associate’s degree may meet the need for a college degree, as an end in itself or on the way toward a higher degree.

The Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree requires the completion of 16 course units (11 units as Degree Requirements  and 5 units in a concentration). Current concentrations available include  Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, and Psychology.

Complete the General Academic Requirements (GAR) of 11-12 courses

I. Academic Skills
   A. First-Year Seminar - 1 course (FY)
   B. Reasoning - 1 course (RG)

II. Intellectual Breadth
   A. Arts Distribution - 1 course (AR)
   B. Humanities Distribution - 2 courses (HU)
   C. Natural Science and Mathematics Distribution - 2 courses with different prefixes *(SC)
   D. Social Science Distribution - 2 courses with different prefixes *(SL)

* Depending on the concentration, a course in the concentration will fulfill this requirement.

III. Exploration and Integration
   A. Integrative Learning (IL) one experience; may be satisfied with two specially approved linked courses or one course approved as intentionally integrative in nature
   B. Human Differences & Global Engagement - 1 course (DE)
Complete one of the following four concentrations, five courses each


ACT 101 - Financial Accounting  
ACT 201 - Accounting Information Systems  
ACT 224 - Cost/Managerial Accounting   
ECN 101 - Principles of Macroeconomics   (will also fulfill SL GAR)
ECN 102 - Principles of Microeconomics  

Choose MTH 119 Statistical Analysis as “RG” for GAR.
Business Administration

ACT 101 - Financial Accounting 
BUS 236 - Management  
BUS 239 - Marketing  
ECN 101 - Principles of Macroeconomics   (will also fulfill SL GAR)
ECN 102 - Principles of Microeconomics  

Choose MTH 119 - Statistical Analysis  as “RG” for GAR.
Computer Science

One course chosen from CSI 102 - Computer Science I: Introduction to Game Programming  or CSI 104 - Computer Science I: Introduction to Robotics  or CSI 106 - Computer Science I: Introduction to Multimedia Computing  

CSI 111 - Computer Science II  
CSI 220 - Data Structures & Algorithms   (will also fulfill SC GAR)
Two approved CSI electives

Choose MTH 121 - Calculus I  as “RG” for GAR.

PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology   (will also fulfill SL GAR)
PSY 103 - Psychological Statistics   (prerequisite of MTH 119)
PSY 104 - Research Methods in Psychology  
PSY elective (chosen in consultation with advisor)
PSY elective in different content area (chosen in consultation with advisor)

Choose MTH 119 - Statistical Analysis  as “RG” for GAR.


The School of Continuing Education offers major certificates in every major offered by the College.  Students pursue certificates to prepare for future graduate study or to upgrade or learn new skills.

Continuing Studies students can also opt to complete a non-credit certificate in Project Management . Courses for this program are eight weeks long and can be completed in any order; however, if the student’s knowledge of Project Management is limited, we strongly suggest starting with WPM 101 - Project Management Theory and Practice .

Summer Study

Muhlenberg College offers a variety of day, evening, and online courses during a series of summer sessions.  These courses, typically offered in an accelerated format, incorporate pedagogy appropriate for full-time undergraduate students.  All course units and grades earned through summer study at Muhlenberg are attributed to the total program of the student and influence the cumulative grade point average and academic standing of the student accordingly.  Summer study materials are available through the School of Continuing Education in early March.

2021-2022 Tuition Rates

Undergraduate Continuing Studies Courses

$1,725 per evening or Saturday course. 
       Audit rate is $837.50
$3,805 per daytime course.
       Audit rate is $1,902.50
$     25 technology fee per course (up to $100 per semester)
$1,825 per module for Accelerated Degree Programs (includes books & technology fee)
$   750 per course for non-credit Certificate in Project Management (includes books & technology fee)

Graduate Courses

$3,200 per course (includes textbooks, technology, and other fees)

Continuing Education and Graduate students may elect to pay the yearly Activity Fee of $285 for access to the Life Sports Center.

Veteran Education

Director of Veterans Affairs: Joseph Kornfeind, M.S.

The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education is proud to support military personnel and veterans seeking to continue their education.  Our advisors can help veterans explore majors, understand their benefits, register for classes each semester, and provide ongoing assistance from orientation to graduation. 

Honorably discharged veterans who served on Active Duty may be eligible for education benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. For example, the Post-9/11 GI Bill® provides financial support for educational and housing expenses to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service after September 10, 2001, or individuals discharged with a a service-connected disability after 30 days.

Members of the military who are currently serving may be eligible for funding offered through the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program. 

Spouses and children of a service member who is serving on active duty Title 10 orders in the pay grades of E1-E5, O1-O2, or W1-W2 may be eligible for financial assistance from the Department of Defense for education, training, and/or the occupational license and credentials necessary for a portable career.  Additionally, spouses and children may be eligible for the transfer of the service member’s Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits.

Yellow Ribbon Program

‌Under the Yellow Ribbon program tuition and fees are fully covered for veterans with 100% eligibility under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.

Muhlenberg College has partnered with the US Department of Veterans Affairs in offering this scholarship which covers the difference between the cost of tuition and the reimbursed amount provided by the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, thereby covering 100% of the tuition for eligible veterans.

**The Yellow Ribbon scholarship increases the amount of tuition benefit available, please be aware however, that it does not extend the amount of time available beyond the 36 month period allocated by the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.

A’s for Vets

The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education is a founding member of the A’s (Academics) for Vets organization. The group’s mission is to bring together an assembly of higher education learning institutions in the Greater Lehigh Valley and collaborate to train, educate, and support discharged military veterans and their qualifying dependents to be successful in achieving their professional and personal educational goals. The vision is that through these efforts all veterans attending these schools will gain meaningful employment and/or achieve their academic goals, preferably in the Greater Lehigh Valley area.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.


Continuing Studies Accelerated Degree Completion Program

Continuing Studies Certificate

Master’s Program

Graduate Certificate


Continuing Studies Accelerated

Project Management
