History Courses in History are numbered as follows:
100 - 149 |
Acquaint beginning students with the academic study of history. |
200 - 299* |
Concentrate on broad chronological studies of countries and regions. |
300 - 399* |
Examine more focused topics or themes in history. |
400 - 449 |
Reading Seminar in History and |
450 - 499 |
Research Seminar in History are capstone experiences open only to majors and minors |
*200 and 300 level courses are not distinguished from each other by degree of difficulty or assumed background knowledge.
• HST 144 - Introduction to History: Music/Civil Rights Movement
• HST 146 - Introduction to History: Sexuality in U.S. History
• HST 147 - Introduction to History: Popular Culture in Latin America
• HST 149 - Introduction to History: Remembering the American Revolution
• HST 151 - African Independence & Liberation
Required |
• HST 400-449 - CUE: Reading Seminar in History
• HST 450-499 - CUE: Research Seminar in History
African History |
• HST 209, 210 - Africa Since 1800
East Asian History |
• HST 259 - Korean History
• HST 267 - Introduction to Traditional Japan
• HST 269 - Introduction to Traditional China
• HST 271 - Modern China
• HST 273 - Modern Japan
European History |
• HST 213, 214 - Seventeenth Century Europe
• HST 215, 216 - Eighteenth Century Europe
• HST 217, 218 - Revolution & the Birth of Modern Europe (c. 1787-1900)
• HST 247, 248 - Civil War, Holocaust, Crisis: Europe 1900-1945
• HST 249, 250 - From Cold War to Unification: Europe 1945-Present
• HST 251, 252 - Foundations of the British Peoples to c. 1485
• HST 253, 254 - From England to the United Kingdom: c. 1399-c. 1800
• HST 255, 256 - The British Empire/Commonwealth: Rise & Decline, c. 1760-c. 2000
• HST 265 - Soviet Russia
• HST 307, 308 - Orthodox Christianity: A Root of Russia
• HST 315, 316 - Renaissance
• HST 317, 318 - Reformation
• HST 319 - The French Revolution & Napoleon
• HST 337 - France from Napoleon to the Great War, 1814-1914
• HST 377, 378 - Gender & Sex in European History
Latin American & Caribbean History |
• HST 291 - Colonial Latin America & the Caribbean
• HST 293, 294 - Modern Latin America & the Caribbean
• HST 359 - Sex, Beauty, and the Body in Brazil and the Caribbean
• HST 369, 370 - Jewish Latin America & the Caribbean
• HST 371 - The Inquisition
• HST 373 - Environmental History of Latin America
• HST 375, 376 - Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Latin America & the Caribbean
Middle East History |
• HST 275 - Rise of Islam
• HST 277 - Modern Middle Eastern History
• HST 295, 296 - Revolutions in the Middle East
• HST 297 - Palestine Before Israel
• HST 391 - The Mongol Legacy
• HST 393 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict
• HST 395 - Sultans, Harems, & Slaves: The Ottoman Empire
• HST 397 - Women in the Middle East
United States History |
• HST 221 - Colonial America
• HST 223 - Revolutionary America
• HST 225 - Nineteenth Century America
• HST 227, 228 - Twentieth Century America to 1945
• HST 229, 230 - Recent US History Since 1945
• HST 231 - The American West
• HST 235, 237 - American Civil War & Reconstruction
• HST 321, 322 - America Confronts a Revolutionary World: Foreign Policy Since 1890
• HST 323, 324 - Constitutional History of the United States
• HST 325, 326 - American Economic History
• HST 327, 328 - Women’s America
• HST 330 - Books & Their Readers
• HST 333 - American Military History
• HST 339 - Popular Protests: Parades, Riots, & Mass Movements in U.S. History
• HST 341 - Environmental History of the United States
• HST 343 - Disability History in the United States
• HST 345 - Disease & Medicine in American History
• HST 347 - History of Public Health in America
• HST 357, 358 - Alternative America: The Losers’ History of the United States
• HST 365, 366 - The African American Experience I: to 1896
• HST 367, 368 - The African American Experience II: since 1896
Internship and Independent Study/Research |
• HST 960 - History Internship
• HST 970 - History Independent Study/Research
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
• INE 101, 102 - Introduction to Innovation & Entrepreneurship
• INE 201 - New Venture Creation
• INE 211 - Entrepreneurship in the Arts
• INE 215 - The Business of Booze: Entreprenuership in the Craft Beverage Industry
• INE 350 - The Practice of Entreprenuership
• INE 960 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship Internship
• INE 970 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Independent Study/Research
Intergroup Dialogue |
• IGD 150 - Intergroup Dialogue
Italian |
• ITL 101 - Elementary Italian I
• ITL 102 - Elementary Italian II
• ITL 203 - Intermediate Italian I
• ITL 204 - Intermediate Italian II
• ITL 220 - Italian American Experience
• ITL 313 - Italian Theatre
• ITL 315 - Eatalians: An Exploration of Italian Culinary Culture
• ITL 321 - Italian Cities in Italian Cinema
• ITL 323 - Jewish Italy
• ITL 970 - Italian Independent Study/Research
International Studies |
• IST 101 - Introduction to International Studies
• IST 960 - International Studies Internship
• IST 970 - International Studies Independent Study/Research
Jewish Studies |
• JST 109 - Jewish Experience in a Secular Age
• JST 201 - American Jewish Life & Culture
• JST 203, 204 - From Zion to Zionism: History of Jewish Nationalism
• JST 450 - CUE: Jewish Studies Capstone Culminating Undergraduate Experience Seminar
• JST 470 - Honors Thesis in Jewish Studies
• JST 970 - Jewish Studies Independent Study/Research
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
• LLC 210, 211 - Books Without Borders: Arab Women Writers
• LLC 212 - Books Without Borders: Reading the Body: Medical Literature & the Female Body
• LLC 215 - Contemporary Latin American & Latino Drama
• LLC 410 - Early Modern Spanish Drama in Translation
Mathematics |
• MTH 101 - Topics in Mathematics
• MTH 114 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
• MTH 116 - Symmetry & Shape: Introduction to Geometry
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