2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 11, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Biology, B.S.

Major Requirements

To declare and be retained as a biology major, a student must maintain a 2.00 grade point average based on the courses attempted which satisfy the biology major’s requirements.  No courses numbered below 204 except BIO 150 - Principles of Biology I: Organisms & Populations , BIO 151 - Principles of Biology II: Cells & Organisms , and BIO 152 - Principles of Biology III: Molecules & Cells  can be used to fulfill the biology major requirements.  In many biology courses a student is expected to devote more time than scheduled in laboratory and field investigations.

Required Courses:

Biology majors must complete 14 courses, nine in biology and five cognate courses.

Biology courses

Three introductory courses:

Three introductory courses must be completed before end of the third year.

Five biology electives:

Five biology electives numbered 204 or above (except BIO 960 - Biology Internship  and cluster courses) and may include ESC 312 - CUE: Toxicology , NSC 311 - Neurons & Networks , SUS 350 - Community Sustainability in Costa Rica , and up to one credit of BIO 970 Independent Study/Research.  At least one course must be from each of three areas of biological organization:

Area 1 - Molecules and Cells

Courses explore structural and functional relationships from the molecular to cellular level of organization:

Area 2 - Cells and Organisms

Courses explore structural and functional relationships from the cellular to organism level of organization:

Area 3 - Organisms and Populations

Courses explore the interactions of individuals and populations with their physical and biological environments:

Culminating Undergraduate Experience (CUE):

  • One of the biology courses numbered between 400 and 499. This is an advanced, seminar style course that incorporates inquiry-oriented student projects.


Students are strongly encouraged to complete CHM 202 - Organic Chemistry II  or CHM 204, 206 - Organic Chemistry IIA  and PHY 122 - General Physics II  because a full year of each are required by virtually all graduate programs in the biological sciences or health professions.