2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs and Campus Life

College years are a great opportunity for student growth and development.  Students learn about themselves and others, including how to relate to individuals and groups with vastly different backgrounds, interests, beliefs, attitudes, and values.  Not only is the tolerance of differences expected, but an appreciation and a celebration of these differences is an important outcome of the student’s experience.  In addition, the student must progress toward self-reliance and independence tempered by a concern for social responsibility.

Efforts to establish and promote such growth and development may be direct or indirect.  Counseling and programming serve as clear examples of the direct influences designed to enhance the developmental process while the general social and intellectual atmosphere of a campus, spurred by the role modeling of faculty, staff, and campus student leaders, serve as examples of the indirect influences.  Importantly, individuals must seek opportunities to really learn about themselves and others.

The student affairs staff provides students with the opportunity to face the challenge of growth and development.  This is done in the residence halls, in athletics, in the health and counseling centers, in student activities, and across the campus.

Academic Resource Center (ARC)

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides support for students’ academic transition, engagement, growth, and achievement through a holistic, community-based approach.

In helping students to successfully navigate the rigors of a competitive academic environment and become lifelong learners, ARC provides opportunities for students to:

  • Strengthen commitment to academic pursuits;
  • Improve planning and organization skills;
  • Learn to study more efficiently and effectively;
  • Cultivate critical thinking and problem solving;
  • Acquire knowledge and skills important to the practice of their discipline.

To these ends, ARC offers individual peer tutoring, academic coaching with a professional learning strategist, facilitated study sessions, transition workshops and mentoring, and ESL support.  More information regarding ARC services is available at www.muhlenberg.edu/arc.

Athletics and Recreation

Physical development is an important part of a liberal arts education.  Muhlenberg has a vibrant athletic program on the intercollegiate, intramural, and recreational levels.  These programs emphasize the lifelong value of sports and fitness/wellness and the thrill of competition.

All students develop a greater understanding of optimal well-being through a core physical education course entitled Principles of Fitness and Wellness.

The Life Sports Center is the hub of athletic and recreational activity.  Facilities include a six-lane, 25-meter swimming pool, racquetball courts, and wrestling room and feature a large, multi-use field house for indoor tennis, track, basketball, and volleyball.  A 47,000 square foot health and fitness center includes state-of-the-art weight training and cardio fitness areas available to all students as well as locker room facilities for varsity athletes, training and equipment issue rooms, and athletics offices.  The facility overlooks a lighted artificial turf stadium with 8-lane track and lighted practice and playing fields, all of which support intercollegiate athletics and recreational programming.

Muhlenberg boasts 22 varsity sports, including eleven for men (football, soccer, cross-country, basketball, wrestling, baseball, indoor and outdoor track, golf, tennis, and lacrosse) and eleven for women (field hockey, soccer, volleyball, cross-country, basketball, softball, lacrosse, indoor and outdoor track, tennis, and golf).  Men’s, women’s, and co-educational intramural and recreational programming are available throughout the year. Muhlenberg’s varsity teams compete in the Centennial Conference which includes Bryn Mawr, Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, Gettysburg, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, McDaniel, Swarthmore, Ursinus, and Washington.  Non-conference opponents include Drew, Messiah, Susquehanna, U.S.M.M.A. (King’s Point), Vassar, and Washington & Lee.

Campus Safety/Police

The Department of Campus Safety/Police provides service to the Campus Community twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year.  The Department seeks to provide an educational environment which ensures the safety of students, faculty, staff, and guests within the available resources and through adherence of rules and regulations consistent with the educational mission of the College.  Campus Safety Officers are sworn police officers through Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas and have arrest powers per Title 22, Act 501.  They perform their duties in a courteous, professional, consistent, and fair manner.

The Career Center

The Career Center promotes career development by encouraging students to integrate their academic and co-curricular experiences and inspiring them to:

EXPLORE - increase awareness of interests, skills, and values; gather information and experience to assist with informed decision making; promote curiosity about the world in anticipation of lives of leadership and service.

PREPARE - develop tools, strategies, skills, and knowledge related to goals; improve ability to understand and communicate the value of an aggregate Muhlenberg experience; consider the challenges of college to career transition and plan for lifelong learning to proactively manage a successful career path.

CONNECT - network with and obtain information from professionals, organizations, alumni, and other resources that will help students meet career goals; confidently demonstrate the ability to connect the campus and classroom experiences to the world beyond Muhlenberg.

To support its mission, the Center offers numerous programs and services for students and the entire Muhlenberg Community.

The Career Center targets first-year students for many of its programs since exploration and planning are recommended over a four-year timeline. Students are encouraged to visit the Center as early as possible and meet with a career counselor.  In these sessions, students may choose to discuss topics such as selecting a major, determining career goals, or finding a summer internship.

Among the programs offered are those that expose students to alumni and the world beyond college.  Discussions with alumni guest speakers during events, such as Alumni Career Panels, give students the chance to learn about a variety of career fields.  Students may participate in the Muhlenberg Shadow Program which links students with alumni or other professionals for an on-site visit over the winter break.

The Career Center holds workshops and special events on topics such as career decision-making, choosing a major, resume writing, developing job search strategies, finding summer internships, networking, LinkedIn, and college-to-career transition.  A comprehensive “Gearing Up for Graduate School” series provides students with expert advice on how to be competitive in the application process.

Internships are available for students seeking experience related to their career interests.  These are listed in Berg Career Vault, the Center’s online database to which all students have an account.  The Career Center takes an active approach to helping students identify potential employers and connect with alumni.  Each year, representatives from a variety of fields come to campus to interview students for full-time employment and internships.  Hundreds of positions are entered into the “Berg Career Vault” database each year for students to access.  For more information on Career Center programs and offerings, please visit www.muhlenberg.edu/careercenter.

Community Engagement

The Office of Community Engagement engages students, employees, and local communities through partnerships intended to catalyze personal, institutional, and community change.

Through the Office, students work with local communities achieving mutual goals.  Regular weekly programs and student-led clubs allow students the opportunity to become a consistent part of local communities.  Monthly commitments and events encourage students to get to create shorter-term connections both on and off campus.  Through courses with community-based components, students connect lessons from community and classroom in meaningful ways.  Students organize one-time events, lead weekly programs, advocate for change, tutor, form relationships, coordinate voter registration campaigns, and much more through the Office of Community Engagement.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services at Muhlenberg is designed to meet the needs of individual students for therapy for normal developmental issues, such as homesickness or relationship problems, and for reactive concerns, such as depression or anxiety.  Counseling may take the form of individual or group sessions or informative prevention programming on such topics as stress management, relationships, or building self-confidence.  Counseling Services also provides alcohol and other drug assessments, treatment, and prevention programming.  All staff members are licensed professionals.

Counseling staff members are also available to provide consultations regarding issues or concerns that may be presenting problems for a student or a friend.  Consultations are available in person or by telephone on a formal or informal basis to full-time (day) students.

Counseling Services at Muhlenberg College is governed by legal and ethical standards regarding confidentiality.  Any and all participation at Counseling Services is strictly confidential; any student wishing information to be released to parents, administrators, etc. must sign a release of information form indicating this intent and authorizing the release.  All services provided to full-time day students are of no cost to the student or to the family.  Sessions are by appointment which can be scheduled by calling 484-664-3178.  Counseling Services is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and a counselor is “on call” to handle emergency/crisis situations when the office is closed.

Dining Services

Food plays an important role in nourishing both students and campus life at Muhlenberg College.  A vibrant dining experience is vital to creating an environment where all members of the campus community are eager to gather around the same table.  Muhlenberg Dining fulfills this need with restaurant quality food made fresh from the best available local ingredients served by friendly and welcoming staff.  Whether you choose to relax in the Wood Dining Commons, grab a latte at Java Joe, sample sushi at the GQ, or recharge with a smoothie at the LSC Café, we can offer a dining option to fit your mood and, most importantly, your lifestyle here at Muhlenberg College.

Muhlenberg Dining Services has made a commitment to sustainable practices that include buying local whenever possible, using eco-friendly cleaning products and packaging, and serving fair-trade coffee at every location.  We support all campus green initiatives and proudly serve as a member of Muhlenberg’s Greening Committee.

Students on a meal plan have access to several different venues on campus:

The Wood Dining Commons, is a renaissance resulting from years of planning and places Muhlenberg at the top of the list for premier dining facilities.

Students at Muhlenberg carry a full plate of academics, activities, and athletics that keeps them busy from morning to evening.  They want to know that there will always be a nutritious meal option available regardless of what time they decide to have lunch or dinner.  This ultimate dining experience will offer a variety of options, including traditional comfort foods, international specialties, fresh items hot off the grill, unique salads with the freshest produce, hand tossed pizzas and Italian classics, fresh baked breads for New York style sandwiches, and a fully integrated kosher facility - The Noshery - with separate meat and dairy kitchens!  You will always find vegan and vegetarian options at each of our platforms.

The General’s Quarters or “the GQ”, provides a food court atmosphere and features several choices, including customizable sandwiches and hoagies, international cuisines, made to order authentic sushi, fresh hot grill creations, and convenient grab and go options prepared fresh.  The GQ is open for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night with an extensive selection of organic and all natural products.

Java Joe features a full complement of Starbucks coffee, including hot and cold espresso drinks and organic options.  In addition, it offers fresh bakery items made right here on campus as well as a variety of unique sandwiches that can only be found at Java Joe.

LSC Café includes two popular brands – Cyclone Salads and Freshens Smoothies.  Cyclone Salads features made to order salads with the option to choose from a variety of fresh ingredients.  Each Cyclone Salad is tossed fresh right in front of you.  Freshens offers a menu that is enriched with antioxidants, fresh fruits, invigorating vitamins, healthy Omegas, and high energy ingredients.  Conveniently located adjacent to the gym, it is the perfect compliment to a hard work out!

All dining locations accept dining dollars, cash, credit cards, and Berg bucks.

Please visit www.muhlenberg.edu/dining for more information.  Find us on facebook and twitter.  Download our iPhone app to stay connected.

Environmental Literacy

Muhlenberg College is a member of the association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF), an international organization of signatories to the Talloires Declaration that is committed to higher education leadership for the advancement of global environmental literacy. Carrying out the principles of action in education to promote environmental stewardship, Muhlenberg College strives to unite management, faculty, staff, and students in a collaborative effort to create a sustainable institution.  As a member of this global movement, Muhlenberg College fosters sustainable development through environmental literacy by integrating ecosystem and human health principles and concepts and environmental responsibility across its curricula, research, operations, and partnerships.

Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)

Fraternity and sorority life at Muhlenberg College consists of eight nationally or internationally affiliated Greek-letter social organizations.  Each chapter traditionally holds membership recruitment and education programs in the fall of each year.  Students interested in becoming members must meet or exceed certain standards, both behaviorally and academically.

Being a member of a fraternity or sorority provides a host of benefits, including the opportunity to develop and refine leadership skills, participate in local community service and national philanthropic projects, and form lifelong friendships within an international brotherhood or sisterhood.  Members of the FSL community can boast of involvement in practically every facet of campus life and support many campus initiatives.  Chapters strive to provide members with growth-oriented opportunities and experiences that are consistent with the mission of the College.  Contact: The Director of Student Leadership Programs, Lower Level, Seegers Union, 484-664-3733

Health Services

The Health Center is a primary care facility offering health care to full-time (day) students of the Muhlenberg College community.  Health care is provided by qualified professionals who have completed state approved educational programs and are licensed to practice their profession in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The Health Center provides a listing of consulting physicians for specialty treatment when this expertise becomes necessary.  Students are assisted in securing consultations as appropriate.

The primary services offered by the Center include health promotion and disease prevention, health counseling, selected care during acute phases of illness, and referrals to health care sites outside the College setting as deemed necessary by the student’s needs.  The staff of the Health Center is committed to serve as educators; students are assisted with concepts of self care and encouraged to become educated consumers of health care.

All students must submit a completed medical form to the Health Center in accordance with the College’s stated deadline.  In addition, enrolled students must complete a tuberculosis screening and demonstrate immunization against rubeola, rubella, tetanus, diptheria, mumps, and poliomyelitis.  Proof of varicella is required with two properly spaced doses of varicella vaccine, laboratory evidence of immunity, or a reliable history of varicella.  It is also required that the Hepatitis B vaccine series be initiated or completed with three doses.  Laboratory evidence of Hepatitis B immunity is acceptable.  Students residing in college-owned housing are required to have at least one dose of the meningococcal A/C/Y/W-135 vaccine administered after the 16th birthday or a signed waiver declining the vaccine after being given literature on the vaccine and the disease.

The College supports the immunization recommendations of the Pennsylvania Department of Health - Bureau of Communicable Diseases Division. Submission of completed health forms, including proof of immunizations, is required to move-in to the residence halls.

The College provides a limited secondary insurance policy (for accidents only) on all full-time (day) students for services provided outside the Health Center.  It is required that students have primary health insurance inclusive of sickness/hospitalization.  Students are responsible for any and all charges associated with care, treatment, laboratory studies, and medications.  Students are responsible for understanding all terms of their health insurance policy and notifying Health Center personnel of participating providers within their health insurance network.


Muhlenberg College is a residential campus and all students are required to live on campus unless they are commuting from a parent or guardian’s home within the Lehigh Valley.  First-year student assignments are made by the Residential Services Staff.  Rooms are designated, for the most part, on a first-come, first-served basis according to the date the commitment card and deposit are received by the Office of Admission.  Roommates are assigned based on information provided by the student through the Online Housing Application for Incoming Students form.

Upperclass students, in compliance with lottery processes, may apply to live in on-campus housing or in their fraternity or sorority.  Junior and senior students wishing to live off-campus must apply according to the Off Campus Policy and Off Campus application process.  Students admitted as commuters may live on campus if space is available.

Housing for students consists of six traditional residence halls, group interest housing, Greek housing, the MILE (Muhlenberg Independent Living Experience) program, the Village apartment complex, and the suite-styled Benfer, Robertson, and South Halls.  Brown Hall houses women exclusively while Benfer, East, Martin Luther, Prosser, Robertson, South, Walz, and Kathryn P. Taylor halls are coeducational residences.  Brown, Prosser, and Walz Halls house first-year students.

Judicial Affairs

Muhlenberg College seeks to educate creative and responsible individuals equipped for lifelong learning and grounded in ethical and civic values that prepare them for lives of leadership and service.  The challenges of leadership and service in the twenty-first century are local, national, and international.  Our students must be capable of learning from diverse cultures and synthesizing that learning into worthy aspirations pursued with disciplined intelligence, self-insight, honesty, diligence, courage, empathy, and reciprocity.

Muhlenberg College students are members of a community of responsibility.  They have a duty to foster and preserve a collegiate environment that encourages the maximum development of themselves, their fellow students, and the larger society.  They adhere to the highest standards of good citizenship.  They conduct themselves with honesty, integrity, and due regard for the rights and property of others.

The Muhlenberg College Social Code, along with the laws of the city of Allentown, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the United States, guide actions and are expected to be followed.  Students are held accountable for their actions and Muhlenberg College reserves the right to deal with infractions of the Social Code; such infractions may be dealt with through administrative and/or judicial channels.  Parents may be notified when a student has gone through the Judicial Process and is found in violation of the Alcohol Policy or other offenses.  This notification will be done at the discretion of the Dean of Students and in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The most current and updated version of the Social code can be viewed in its entirety by visiting the College’s website.

Religious Life

The religious life of the Muhlenberg College community represents the backgrounds and interests of our students.  A church-related college of Lutheran heritage, it has a full-time Chaplain as pastor to the community and coordinator of the team of campus ministry staff persons representing various faith traditions.  Chapel offices are located in Egner Memorial Chapel.  The Roman Catholic Chaplain’s office is located at the Newman Center, and the Jewish Chaplain has an office at the Hillel House.  The beautiful neo-Gothic Egner Chapel is open regularly for private meditation and many public events.  Sunday worship services are conducted in the Chapel: 5:00 p.m. is a Protestant Word and Sacrament worship service; 9:00 p.m. is a Roman Catholic mass.  Friday night Shabbat dinner and services are offered at the Hillel House.

A variety of student religious fellowship groups are active on campus including: Chapel (Protestant Christian); Catholic Campus Ministry (Roman Catholic); Hillel (Jewish); DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship (Christian); Muslim Students Association; Rejoice! Gospel Choir; and Interfaith Leadership Council.

These groups provide regularly scheduled and special event programs in the areas of social activities, meals, education, and community service.

The Hillel House for Jewish Life is found at 2238 Chew Street.  It maintains a kosher kitchen, hosts weekly Shabbat dinners and services on Friday nights, and sponsors educational, religious, and cultural events.  Hillel also sponsors several off-campus events throughout the academic year and serves as a drop-in center for students.

Located at 2339 Liberty Street is the Newman Center where weekly fellowship dinners and study groups are offered for the Roman Catholic community.

For more information go to www.muhlenberg.edu/religiouslife

Residential Services

The Residential Services program is committed to quality of life in the residence halls, MILE program, and Greek houses.  We encourage self-responsibility, facilitate development, and provide an environment conducive to academic success.

Our undergraduate staff includes nine head residents, upperclass students with responsibility for the general administration and maintenance of a residence hall, and over 60 Resident Advisors and Resident Liaisons who take responsibility for each of the floors in the halls, complementing and supplementing the formal education process.

Our professional staff includes a Director of Residential Services, a Senior Associate Director, an Associate Director, an Office Manager, and a Presidential Assistant.  Additionally, there is one Assistant Director and one Residence Coordinator who live in campus housing and supervise the undergraduate staff.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities plans, supports, and promotes diverse cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs which enhance the quality of campus life and community spirit.  The student activities program at Muhlenberg is student initiated and supports a broad array of experiences (concerts, dances, speakers, comedians, musicians, etc.).  The Muhlenberg Activities Council (MAC) is the student organization which works closely with the Office of Student Activities and recommends activities in areas affecting Muhlenberg student life.  In addition to working with MAC, this office assists recognized student clubs and organizations in providing special interest programming for Muhlenberg students and provides guidance to groups of students wishing to create new clubs and organizations.

Highlighting the activities calendar at Muhlenberg are a major concert and a performance by a well-known comedian presented each year by the Student Activities Office.  Student performers are also provided opportunities to showcase their talents as part of our regular weekend activities. Students frequently perform at various venues on campus as well as during specially designated Talent Shows and theme weekends.  Numerous a capella groups, theater and dance groups, acoustic musicians, comedians, and student bands take advantage of these opportunities.

Students with Disabilities

Muhlenberg College is committed to ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services to ensure full access to programs, services, and activities.  Students with disabilities who are the most successful at the post-secondary level are those who are appropriately qualified and prepared for independent academic study, have full knowledge of the impact of their disability, who use the accommodations and services they have been approved to receive, and who demonstrate well-developed self-advocacy skills.

Under the ADA (as amended in 2008), a disability is defined as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, having a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment”.  Disability documentation submitted to determine eligibility at the postsecondary level must identify the disability and provide a history of the disorder and evidence of the disorder’s impact on a major life activity.

At the postsecondary level, it is the student’s responsibility to disclose his/her disability and to follow established procedures for requesting services. Muhlenberg College students with documented disorders that rise to the level of a disability who will be requesting accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services are encouraged to identify these needs to the Office of Disability Services, as soon as possible, after their application to the College has been accepted and their decision to attend has been confirmed.  Submission of current, detailed documentation of the student’s disability with a completed Disability Disclosure Document is required in order to initiate the process (preferably submitted before the advising period in June).  The Office of Disability Services reviews submitted documentation and makes a determination of disability.  Once this determination has been made, the Office of Disability Services will discuss the formulation of reasonable, appropriate accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services with the student and may refer the student to other campus departments, as appropriate, for further dialogue and assistance.  Accommodations are determined on a case-per-case basis and must be requested by the student each semester.

After the point of disclosure, documentation submission, and determination, it is the student’s responsibility to begin a working relationship with his/her instructors by providing Accommodation Plans from the Office of Disability Services.  The student should then meet with each of his/her faculty members to discuss accommodations.  Faculty members are a valuable resource to help students navigate course requirements more efficiently.

For further information, please refer to the “Disabilities Services” web page at www.muhlenberg.edu/main/aboutus/disabilities/