Mar 03, 2025
EDU 201 - Introduction to Special Education: Diverse Learners & Inclusive Classrooms1 course unit This course is designed to broaden knowledge and understanding about students with disabilities and how they develop and learn. Emphasis is placed on the roles and responsibilities of regular education teachers in meeting the needs of these students in order to create positive inclusive learning environments as informed by relevant research. The course introduces the pre-service teachers to topics, including health impairments, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, ADHD, emotional disturbance, autism, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, and giftedness. These topics are examined from the perspective of causation, diagnosis, cognitive and social-emotional characteristics, learning styles, early intervention, and differentiated instructional strategies with a focus on meeting the needs of students in the context of the regular classroom. The role of the regular classroom teacher in the referral/evaluation process and working with appropriate school personnel and families is emphasized. Also examined are multicultural and bilingual issues as they pertain to special education. Fieldwork is required. Prerequisite(s): Provisional admission to the program or permission of the instructor. Meets general academic requirement SL.
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