2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 20, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ATH 250 - Anthropology of Gender & Sexuality

1 course unit
This course introduces students to core concepts and topics in the anthropological study of gender and sexuality.  Particular attention will be paid to bodily experiences of gender and sexuality as complex, contested, and changing fields of experience and expression that are related to other fields of power including race, ethnicity, religion, and class. Topics to be studied may include gender and sexuality as bio-cultural phenomena; the sex and gender distinction; gender and the division of labor; gender stratification and male dominance; men and masculinities; feminist, postmodern, and queer theories; LGBTIQ cultures and societies; and the globalization of gender and sexuality.
Prerequisite(s): ATH 112 Cultural Anthropology   
Meets general academic requirements SL and DE.

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