Mar 08, 2025
INE 215 - The Business of Booze: Entreprenuership in the Craft Beverage Industry Course unit(s): 1 Meets GAR (students beginning prior to Fall 2024): Meets general academic requirement SL. The last 40 years have seen the birth and blossoming of a robust craft beverage industry in the united states. From brewpubs to urban wineries, from meaderies to wholesalers, from distilleries to cideries, the beverage space has exploded with opportunities and failures. This course will go into the nuts and bolts of this vibrant and chaotic industry, looking at a variety of business models and cases. We’ll explore the checkered American history of alcohol, and wrestle with the societal effects of selling a legal toxin that is old as human society itself. We will also explore equity issues within the industry.
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