2014-2015 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 20, 2024  
2014-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction



Courses in History are numbered as follows:

  100 - 149 Acquaint beginning students with the academic study of history.
  200 - 299 Concentrate on broad chronological studies of countries or regions. Generally intended for students with one prior college level history course.
  300 - 399 Examine topics or themes in history. Generally designed for students with one or more prior college level history courses.
  400 - 499 Capstone courses for majors and minors: Hone students’ skills and content knowledge.

  • HST 207 - Homeric Epic & Greek History

    1 course unit
    An assessment of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, their historical context, and the extent to which they can be used as reliable historical sources for the Greek Bronze Age and Dark Age. Readings will include the Iliad and Odyssey in translation and secondary scholarship in Homeric poetry, Greek history, and Greek archaeology. A MILA course, the class will meet regularly during the semester then spend approximately 10-12 days in Greece after the semester, visiting museum exhibitions and archaeological sites that are critical to an understanding of “the world of Homer,” including the National Archaeological Museum and Parthenon Museum in Athens, Mycenae, Tiryns, the Nauplion Museum, Knossos, the Iraklion Museum in Crete, and the island of Santorini.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 213, 214 - Seventeenth Century Europe

    1 course unit
    A detailed treatment of political, social, cultural, and intellectual developments in Europe from 1598 to 1715. The principal focus will be on Western Europe. Themes shall include the evolution of the dynastic monarchies, the “cultural crisis” and the Scientific Revolution, and the emergence of a European state system in the Age of Louis XIV.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 214).
  • HST 215, 216 - Eighteenth Century Europe

    1 course unit
    A detailed treatment of political, social, cultural, and intellectual developments in Europe from 1715 to 1795. The principal focus will be on Western Europe. Themes shall include the political and social structure of ancient regime Europe, the diplomacy of the European state system, the Enlightenment, and the transition from despotism to revolution.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 216).
  • HST 216 - Eighteenth Century Europe

    1 course unit
    A detailed treatment of political, social, cultural, and intellectual developments in Europe from 1715 to 1795. The principal focus will be on Western Europe. Themes shall include the political and social structure of ancient regime Europe, the diplomacy of the European state system, the Enlightenment, and the transition from despotism to revolution.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 216).
  • HST 217 - Revolution & the Birth of Modern Europe (c. 1787-1919)

    1 course unit
    A comparative overview of an era of violently dramatic change, one marked by an unprecedented incidence of revolution and reaction across the European continent. Monarchs were overthrown and restored, then overthrown again. Republics were founded and unmade. Liberalism and Socialism posed new challenges to the Old Order, but Conservatives found new means to preserve their political and social dominion. Millions lost their lives in these struggles. A new mass society was forming, seemingly founded on the twin pillars of growing economic prosperity for most and new respect for the rule of law, founded on political pluralism. Yet at the height of its apparent progress, Europe stood on the brink of its self-destruction.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 221 - Colonial America

    1 course unit
    An examination of the peoples, places, and regions of early America from 1492 to 1763. Specifically, this course focuses on the interaction of Indian, European, and African peoples, the transformation of European (Spanish, French, Dutch, and English) colonies from frontier outposts to thriving communities, and the rise and eventual cultural and economic domination of British North America.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 223 - Revolutionary America

    1 course unit
    An examination of the political, economic, and cultural causes, contexts, and outcomes of the American Revolution, 1763-1800. Specifically, this course investigates the origins of the conflict in eighteenth century colonial America, its impact upon various peoples (White, African American, Indian, male and female) and the regions (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and South), and its eventual resolution in the political and social workings of the Confederation and Constitutional eras.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU .
  • HST 225 - Nineteenth Century America

    1 course unit
    A political and social history of the United States from 1815 to the Populists. The course will emphasize the key political developments of our nation’s first century and the social contexts in which they occurred.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 227, 228 - Twentieth Century America to 1945

    1 course unit
    An examination of the changes in Americn political culture arising from the nation’s transformation into an urban, industrial nation. Topics to be emphasized include the reform traditions of Progressivism and the New Deal, the rise of American internationalism, and the development of a modern American culture. The course also uses appropriate era feature films to illustrate major themes in the nation’s development.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 228).
  • HST 229, 230 - Recent US History Since 1945

    1 course unit
    An analysis of post-World War II America focusing on the fragmentation of the national consensus on domestic and foreign policy. Topics to be emphasized include The Cold War, McCarthyism, the civil rights revolution, the counter-culture of the 1960s, the Vietnam War, Watergate, the Reagan years, and the 1990s and beyond. The course also relies on feature films as documents from the appropriate era to illustrate major themes in the nation’s development.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 230).
  • HST 233 - American Cultural & Intellectual History Since 1900

    1 course unit
    Traces the development of American intellectual and cultural life since 1900. Using primary sources and historical monographs, the course will explore topics such as the rise of American philosophy, the flourishing of American literature, the elaboration of American political and social thought, the development of popular and mass culture, and the growth of minority cultures.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 235 - American Civil War & Reconstruction

    1 course unit
    A study of the period from the end of the Mexican War to the end of Reconstruction (1848-1877). Explores the causes of the Civil War, the course of the war, and reconstruction following the Confederate surrender. Focus will be on the campaigns, battles, and generals of the war, as well as social, cultural, economic, and political developments of the period.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 247 - Civil War, Holocaust, Crisis: Europe 1900-1945

    1 course unit
    Though the twentieth century began with great promise for a peaceful and prosperous future for more and more Europeans, its first fifty years were instead decades of tragedy and slaughter: an era dominated by two world wars and the Holocaust. The course will examine the political, social, economic, intellectual, and cultural history of Europe from 1900-1945. Students will pay particular attention to the great conflict of ideas (Communism, Fascism, Democracy, Capitalism) that created what many Europeans consider to be a European-wide civil war stretching across the period.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 249 - From Cold War to Unification: Europe 1945-Present

    1 course unit
    After World War II, Europe emerged a divided continent, a series of weak states allied to two rival superpowers. The course examines the political and ideological struggle that divided Europe and the social and economic forces at work beneath the surface that brought Europeans together in the wake of the Second World War. Drawing heavily on the use of European cinema, students will pay particular attention to the development of European culture and the cultural construction of social experience.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 251, 252 - Foundations of the British Peoples to c. 1485

    1 course unit
    This course surveys the prehistory and early history of Great Britain and Ireland. It focuses on the formation of the English and Scottish monarchies and on the interactions of the English, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh peoples from early times until the early modern period. Some emphasis will be placed on the development of government and law in England during this period.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 252).
  • HST 253, 254 - From England to the United Kingdom: c. 1399-c. 1800

    1 course unit
    This course emphasizes the consolidation of national monarchies in England and Scotland, as contrasted with the politically subordinate position of Ireland, and the often conflicted interactions of their peoples. The effects of the Reformation, seventeenth century constitutional conflicts stemming from the Anglo-Scottish dynastic union of 1603, the growth of an English/British Empire, and the subordination of Scotland (1701) and Ireland (1800) to England are all principal themes, as is the impact of the American and French Revolutions.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 254).
  • HST 255, 256 - The British Empire/Commonwealth: Rise & Decline, c. 1760-c. 2000

    1 course unit
    This course focuses on Britain’s period of imperial hegemony, roughly from the Napoleonic Wars to the aftermath of World War II. In addition to Britain’s changing international role and influence, the course treats the reforms of the 1820s and 1830s which created the governing institutions of modern Britain and looks at the slow unraveling of the “United” Kingdom in the twentieth century and its ambivalent position in the European Union today and tomorrow.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 256).
  • HST 263 - Imperial Russia

    1 course unit
    This course surveys the history of Russia in the Imperial period, from Peter the Great to the Revolutions of 1917. The development of the Russian state and Russian society and the influence of Western Europe are major themes.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 265 - Soviet Russia

    1 course unit
    This course covers the Russian Revolution and the development of the Soviet State and its decline and fall.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 267 - Introduction to Traditional Japan

    1 course unit
    This course surveys the traditional culture and history of Japan down to the beginning of modernization. Major topics are the court culture, the samurai, and the culture of the townspeople. Appropriate for students with no prior college level history.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 269 - Introduction to Traditional China

    1 course unit
    Introduction to Traditional China surveys the culture, society and political institutions of China before the onset of modernization. Pre-imperial China, traditional Chinese ways of thought, the development of the imperial structure of state, and the introduction of Buddhism will be covered in the course.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 271 - Modern China

    1 course unit
    China’s last imperial dynasty, the increasing impact of Western influence, China’s collapse, and the development of the Communist state will be examined through lectures, readings, and discussion.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 273 - Modern Japan

    1 course unit
    The Tokugawa period, the Meiji Restoration, Japan’s emergence as a major power in East Asia, World War II, and Japan’s postwar transformation will be examined through lectures, readings, and discussion.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 275 - Rise of Islam

    1 course unit
    This course will explore the period of Middle Eastern History [600-1800 CE] which witnessed the emergence of Islam as a religion, political system, and cultural tradition. Topics include the life and career of Muhammad, the basic tenets of Islam, the Arab Conquests and rise of a unitary Islamic Empire, the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, the development of a high Islamic culture, the Mongol invasions and the states that grew in the aftermath of those invasions, the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria, the Ottoman Empire, and the Safavid.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 277 - Modern Middle Eastern History

    1 course unit
    A history of the Middle East in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics covered include attempts at reform in the Ottoman Empire and Iran, the impact of developing nationalisms and European imperialism, the impact of World War I and World War II, the emergence of new states, and the Arab/Israeli conflict.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 291 - Colonial Latin America

    1 course unit
    The study of major themes of colonial Latin American history, such as the encounter between Europeans and Indigenous peoples, the biological and cultural consequences of conquest, moral questions of conquest, and the development of colonial society and institutions.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 293, 294 - Modern Latin America

    1 course unit
    The study of post independence Latin America, nation building, and twentieth century issues such as poverty, human rights, revolutions, and relations with the United States. The course also examines modern Latin American culture through literature, art, and religion.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU (and W when offered as 294).
  • HST 307, 308 - Orthodox Christianity: A Root of Russia

    1 course unit
    This course is a study of the history, doctrine, theology, and life of the Russian Orthodox Church and other Eastern Orthodox communities. Attention will be given to the interaction of religion and culture in these societies, the Orthodox Church, and other Eastern Orthodox communities.
    Meets general academic requirement H or R and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 308).
  • HST 315, 316 - Renaissance

    1 course unit
    The course concentrates on the Italian Renaissance of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the Northern Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Particular emphasis is given to the cultural, intellectual, and religious developments of that epoch.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 316).
  • HST 317, 318 - Reformation

    1 course unit
    Both the Protestant and Catholic Reformations are studied from primary sources. The course progresses from an examination of the origins and causes of the Reformation to a consideration of the various types of Reformation which occurred in sixteenth century Europe. It concludes with an examination of the impact of the Reformation upon European states and societies down to 1600.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 318).
  • HST 319, 320 - The French Revolution & Napoleon

    1 course unit
    The French Revolution is perhaps the most important and most studied event in European history. It has been identified as the cause of the modern era’s deepest troubles and greatest triumphs, the root of Europe’s best and worst ideals. This course examines the figures and events of the revolution, particularly its origins, radicalization, and defeat. It explores the relationships between social and political conflict and foreign and domestic policy. Finally, by studying Romantic Nationalist, Marxist, New Social, Revisionist, and more recent interpretations of the Revolution and Napoleon, students will understand historians’ differing interpretations of its most critical turning points and the meaning of historical interpretation.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 320).
  • HST 321, 322 - America Confronts a Revolutionary World: Foreign Policy Since 1890

    1 course unit
    This course analyzes the causes and consequences of America’s development as a world power. Topics to be considered include the rise of an American diplomatic tradition during the colonial/Revolutionary era, nineteenth century continental expansion, and the evolution of American internationalism in the twentieth century. Primary emphasis is given to twentieth century developments.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 322).
  • HST 323, 324 - Constitutional History of the United States

    1 course unit
    This course traces the evolution and application of constitutional theories and concepts from our English forebears to the US today. The great controversies which reached the Supreme Court are examined in light of contemporary political and cultural values and of their enduring national importance.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 324).
  • HST 325, 326 - American Economic History

    1 course unit
    This course, emphasizing the post-1860 period, examines both the roots of American economic growth and the impact that growth has had on American ideas, culture, and institutions. Topics to be considered include the rise of big business, changes in the internal structure of the business establishment, shifting attitudes of government toward business, development of a corporate culture, and the modern American economy.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 326).
  • HST 327, 328 - Women’s America

    1 course unit
    Women, whether as daughters, wives, mothers, workers, scholars, or political activists, have played pivotal roles in American history. This course, an overview of American women’s history from colonial times to the present, examines the variety of women’s experiences through time by analyzing the myriad roles they played in the family, society, economy, and national politics. Specifically, using gender as its primary lens of analysis, this course seeks to uncover the broader contexts of American women’s experience by examining the dynamic interplay of women and men, values and culture, and discussing how structures of power linked especially to gender, but also to class and race, shaped women’s lives and mediated their experiences in the private and public worlds of America.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 328).
  • HST 333 - American Military History

    1 course unit
    This course will explore the role that military combat has played in American history. Its primary focus will be on the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War I and II, and Vietnam. Students will discuss the causes of America’s wars, the primary military operations involved in each, and the impact each had on American society. Extensive reading and writing, independent thinking, and wide-open class discussions will be the highlights of the course.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 337 - France from Napoleon to the Great War, 1814-1914

    1 course unit
    In the century between 1814 and 1914, France transformed itself from a land dominated by diverse agrarian traditions to Europe’s most modern and unified nation. At the same time, France lost its Napoleonic mastery of Europe, declined as a great power, and sought a new future along two different paths: Imperialism and democracy. Students will examine the fall of old France: the decline of its monarchy, the frustration of its aristocracy, and the end of peasants’ rural isolation. The course gives particular attention to the rise of a new industrial France: a nation of deepening class divisions and tensions that exploded in four great revolutions.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 341 - Environmental History of the United States

    1 course unit
    An environmental history of the United States from the English settlement to the present. An examination of the ideas and attitudes that shaped human impact on and interaction with the land and the environment. The course will also explore the influence of legislation, judicial decisions, and governmental policy upon the environment. In addition, it will examine land-use patterns and their significant changes over the past 400 years. The readings will emphasize relevant primary writings and recent scholarship.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 345 - Disease & Medicine in American History

    1 course unit
    This course focuses on the complex interplay of disease and medicine in the context of American culture and society over the last two centuries. It will examine the changing concepts of disease, the increasing success with which medicine has healed the body, and the development of the medical professions from the late eighteenth century to the present. It will also explore the ways in which Americans have employed diseases as social and cultural metaphors.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 347 - History of Public Health in America

    1 course unit
    This course will explore the history of public health in America from the late seventeenth century to the present. It will examine the history of medical crises that evoked a public health response, including the development of formal institutions of public health and the environmental, industrial, and social aspects of public health in the contexts of the changing medical, political, and social environments of the United States. Topics to be considered include epidemic diseases, environmental problems, industrial medicine, social issues such as smoking, and development of departments of public health on local, state, and national levels.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • HST 357, 358 - Alternative America: The Losers’ History of the United States

    1 course unit
    Much of the history we read is written by the winners of past conflicts. This course examines major events in America’s past, such as the ratification of the Constitution, the sectional conflict of the antebellum era, and the industrialization of the late nineteenth century, from the perspective of the losers in those conflicts. We will consider the criticisms made by the losers and their alternatives to determine how different the United States might have been had they prevailed.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 358).
  • HST 365, 366 - The African American Experience I: to 1896

    1 course unit
    This course examines the history of African Americans from colonial times until 1896, the year the Supreme Court sanctioned the notion of “separate but equal.” Specifically, it uses the writings of African Americans and other primary sources critical to their history to examine how events (such as the rise of slavery, the push for abolition, the Civil War, the start of Jim Crow) and cultural influences (such as race, class, gender, the law, Christianity, and family life) shaped African American lives and experiences until the end of the nineteenth century.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU (and W when offered as 366).
  • HST 367, 368 - The African American Experience II: since 1896

    1 course unit
    This course examines the history of African Americans from 1896, the year the Supreme Court sanctioned the notion of “separate but equal,” to the present. Specifically, it uses the writings of African Americans and other primary and secondary sources to examine how events (such as the rural exodus to urban centers after Plessy vs. Ferguson; the origins, progress, protest, and organizations of the modern civil and human rights movements; and urban renewal programs) and cultural influences (such as race, class, gender, the arts, the law, and the Church) shaped African American lives and experiences in the twentieth century.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU (and W when offered as 368).
  • HST 369, 370 - Jewish Latin America & the Caribbean

    1 course unit
    This course studies the movement of Jewish people from Spain and Portugal to Latin America and the Caribbean, traces the adaptation of Jews and their descendents to multiple environments, and reflects upon the diversity of Jewish communities and traditions across the region. Major themes include Diaspora, Ethnicity, Race, Gender, and Memory. Topics include consolidation of Catholic Spain in 1492, expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal, and the Inquisition; the effect of Jews on modern Latin American national identities; and the surge of twentieth century anti-Semitism in political and cultural realms.
    Meets general academic requirement H or D and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU (and W when offered as 370) .
  • HST 371 - The Inquisition

    1 course unit
    This course explores the origins of the Inquisition, its place in the Spanish Reconquista, and its role in Colonial Spanish and Portuguese America. The institutional dynamics influenced religious, economic, political, and socio-cultural organization-particularly in the New World-and we will trace the diverse investigations of Jews, Africans, Spanish, Portuguese, mestizos, and women. The course relies heavily on inquisitorial records and unearths the prosecution of indigenous idolatry, the persecution of Jews, and the roles of race and gender in tribunal sentencing.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 373 - Environmental History of Latin America

    1 course unit
    An overview of environmental issues in the region known as Latin America and the Caribbean since its “discovery” in the early sixteenth century through the present day. This course explores settlement, disease, deforestation, and social inequalities through the lenses of colonialism and the Columbian Exchange, capitalism, and globalism. A variety of topics are considered, including health care, the Amazon, ecotourism, and sexual tourism.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 375, 376 - Race & Ethnicity in Latin America & the Caribbean

    1 course unit
    This course examines Race and Ethnicity in Latin America and the Caribbean through the lenses of the African Diaspora and Amerindian populations from the Colonial Period to the present. Major themes include the classification of races and ethnicities during the colonial period; slavery and coerced labor; resistance to colonialism and debates over abolition; hybridity, mestizaje, and indigenismo; and discourses on race, ethnicity, gender, and class in Modern and Revolutionary Latin America and the Caribbean.
    Meets general academic requirement H or D and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU (and W when offered as 376).
  • HST 377, 378 - Gender & Sex in European History

    1 course unit
    Over the past six hundred years, definitions of what it means to be male and female have changed remarkably. This course explores the changing nature of men’s and women’s identities, conditions, social status, and thought, as well as the development of their political, social, and cultural powers from the fifteenth century to our day. Special emphasis is placed on the history of gender in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia. The course examines gender as an analytical category, distinguishes gender from sex, and raises our consciousness of gender’s variability. It exposes the forces - cultural, social, economic, and political - that have altered gender in history.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 378).
  • HST 391 - The Mongol Legacy

    1 course unit
    The Mongol invasions changed the societies of Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia. The Mongol armies swept away long-established states and introduced new political arrangements and ideologies. This course will investigate the rise and fall of the Mongol world empire with special emphasis on how these developments affected the states and peoples of the Middle East. The conquests of Genghis Khan in the thirteenth century followed a pattern established by earlier Eurasian steppe empires. We will also study the social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of the nomadic invasions. The period of study is bracketed by the rise of the Mongol world empire at one end and the conquests of Tamerlaine at the other.
    Meets general academic requirements D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 393 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict

    1 course unit
    Every day the news is filled with stories of the violent struggle between Israel and the Arabs. This course will examine the origins and development of that conflict. We will discuss a range of topics, including the emergence of Zionism, pan-Arabism and Palestinian nationalism, the wars between Israel and the Arab states, the rise of terrorist groups, the role of the world community and especially the United States, and the continuing efforts to find a peaceful settlement to the region’s problems. Particular emphasis will be placed on the diversity of perspectives regarding the conflict, its history, and potential solutions.
    Meets general academic requirements D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 395 - Sultans, Harems, & Slaves: The Ottoman Empire

    1 course unit
    This course will examine the history of the Ottoman Empire from its rise in the mid-fourteenth century to its demise in the early twentieth century. We will trace the development of the Ottoman state from a small warrior principality on the frontiers of Byzantium to a multi-ethnic, multi-religious world empire ruling the Middle East, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean. We will consider Ottoman state institutions; relations with other states, Muslim and Christian; minority rights and communal conflict; the impact of the rise of the European Great Powers; the development of nationalisms; and the emergence of national successor states in all regions of the former empire.
    Meets general academic requirements D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 397 - Women in the Middle East

    1 course unit
    This course surveys the history of women in the Middle East from the advent of Islam in the seventh century to the present. We will investigate the role of women in Islam as a religion and examine the range of women’s experience in different periods and places in the Islamic Middle East. Topics may include the role of women in pre-Islamic Arabia, family law in Islam, the status of women in Islamic societies, Muslim women, and the effects of secularism, nationalism, socialism, and fundamentalism in the modern period.
    Meets general academic requirement D or H and effective Fall 2013 DE and HU.
  • HST 400-449 - CUE: Reading Seminar in History

    1 course unit
    A reading seminar devoted to an in depth examination of an historical topic or era. Topics of seminars will vary and will be announced prior to registration. Required of all history majors and minors. Students must register for the corresponding research seminar in the following semester to satisfy the requirements for the history major or minor.
    Prerequisite(s): Any two history courses.
  • HST 450-499 - CUE: Research Seminar in History

    1 course unit
    A research and writing seminar, paired with a CUE: Reading Seminar in History that provides students with the opportunity to engage in significant independent research on an aspect of the readings seminar topic. This seminar will also address different approaches to history, the nature and types of historical sources, bibliographic aids in research, general research skills, the authenticity and reliability of sources, and the techniques and processes of various types of historical writing. Required of all history majors and minors.
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the CUE: Reading Seminar in History paired with the CUE: Research Seminar.
    Meets general academic requirement W.
  • HST 960 - History Internship

    1 course unit
    Limited number of internships available for qualified seniors in such areas as museum and archival work.

Jewish Studies

  • JST 109 - Jewish Experience in a Secular Age

    1 course unit
    This course will explore secular Jewish experiences in the modern west. We will examine how traditional Jewish society has been transformed by new ideas and new social realities by exploring the many and multifaceted ways that Jews have constructed modern, secular identities in the wake of those transformations. Using a variety of primary and secondary sources, as well as film and literature, this course will consider the ways in which Jewish identity has been defined and redefined in the modern period across Europe and the United States. Particular attention will be paid to questions of gender and the ways that men and women each experienced processes of modernization and secularization.
    Meets general academic requirement R and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • JST 201 - American Jewish Life & Culture

    1 course unit
    This course will offer a history of Jewish life in the United States. It will examine the different ways that American Jews have defined Jewish life in America and consider the challenges faced by Jewish immigrants as they worked to build a distinctly American Jewish culture. The tension and balance between religious meaning and the value placed on secularism in America form a vital part of this study.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • JST 203 - From Zion to Zionism: History of Jewish Nationalism

    1 course unit
    The very words Zion and Zionist have become powerful political signifiers both within and without Jewish communities, as well as in international discourse. Why are these words so hotly contested, and what do they signify? This course examines the historical evolution of modern Zionism. It considers the different religious, political, and cultural forms that Jewish nationalist thought has taken over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and situates these ideas within their historic and geographic contexts. Students will read the works of Jewish nationalist thinkers like Theodore Herzi, Max Nordau, Ahad Ha’am, Yitzchak Baer, Simon Dubnow, and Louis Brandeis and analyze their competing visions of Jewish nationhood and the specific historical concerns that fuel the emergence of different nationalist ideologies.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU.


  • ITL 101 - Elementary Italian I

    1 course unit
    An introduction to basic grammar and vocabulary as well as communication skills in Italian within its cultural contexts. Students will use a variety of authentic text and media resources to acquire and enhance linguistic skills. The first semester is designed for students with no knowledge of or with a weak background in Italian; the second is for students with limited but residual previous exposure to Italian. Assignment by placement test. Four class hours per week plus Language Learning Center assignments.
  • ITL 102 - Elementary ItalianII

    1 course unit
    An introduction to basic grammar and vocabulary as well as communication skills in Italian within its cultural contexts. Students will use a variety of authentic text and media resources to acquire and enhance linguistic skills. The first semester is designed for students with no knowledge of or with a weak background in Italian; the second is for students with limited but residual previous exposure to Italian. Assignment by placement test. Four class hours per week plus Language Learning Center assignments.
  • ITL 203 - Intermediate Italian I

    1 course unit
    An accelerated review of basic Italian grammar through speaking, reading, writing, and other linguistically appropriate activities. The introduction of more advanced grammatical structures and a variety of authentic text and multimedia resources will enhance the students’ linguistic skills and sociocultural awareness of the Italian speaking world. The development of functional skills is emphasized. Students also acquire the linguistic tools needed to continue learning Italian as it pertains to their fields of interest. Assignment by placement test. Three class hours per week plus Language Learning Center assignments.
  • ITL 204 - Intermediate Italian II

    1 course unit
    An accelerated review of basic Italian grammar through speaking, reading, writing, and other linguistically appropriate activities. The introduction of more advanced grammatical structures and a variety of authentic text and multimedia resources will enhance the students’ linguistic skills and sociocultural awareness of the Italian speaking world. The development of functional skills is emphasized. Students also acquire the linguistic tools needed to continue learning Italian as it pertains to their fields of interest. Assignment by placement test. Three class hours per week plus Language Learning Center assignments.

International Studies

  • IST 101 - Introduction to International Studies

    1 course unit
    This interdisciplinary course introduces students to the various approaches applied by analysts from disciplines, such as political science, sociology, history, and economics in order to understand and address issues, such as development, domestic environmental problems, public health, internal conflict, state formation and governance, human rights, facing peoples and states within the international community, and issues such as the impact of globalization, international conflict, global climate change and energy issues, the global impact of disease, etc., facing the international community as a whole.


  • MTH 101 - Topics in Mathematics

    1 course unit
    Topics selected from various areas of mathematics such as discrete mathematics, logic, number systems, geometry, probability, and graph theory. The course is designed to give the student an appreciation of mathematics as an integral part of our culture as well as applications to various other disciplines.
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 104 - Statistical Methods

    1 course unit
    An introduction to statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, sampling, estimation, hypotheses testing, correlation and regression, and chi-square procedures. Students may not receive credit for both MTH 104 Statistical Methods and  MTH 119 Statistical Analysis . Department permission required for students who have been placed in MTH 119 Statistical Analysis .
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 114 - Fundamentals of Mathematics

    1 course unit
    A study of fundamental mathematical principles underlying the concepts of number and shape. Topics include number systems, number theory, measurement systems, geometry, and functions with emphasis on applications and problem solving.
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 116 - Symmetry & Shape: Introduction to Geometry

    1 course unit
    An introduction to the geometric concepts underlying elementary mathematics: properties of circles, polygons and polyhedra, measurement systems and indirect measure, scale and proportion, symmetry, congruence, informal Euclidean geometry, geometric constructions, and transformational geometry. Applications feature mathematical patterns found in art and nature: the golden ratio, Platonic solids, tessellations in the plane, frieze and wallpaper patterns, scale drawings, 3-D drawing, one- and two-point perspective, and viewing point.
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 119 - Statistical Analysis

    1 course unit
    Designed for students interested in accounting, business administration, economics, finance, psychology, and the natural sciences. Topics include basic probability, distributions of random variables, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, sampling procedures, experimental design, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, and research ethics. Students may not receive credit for both MTH 104 Statistical Methods  and MTH 119 Statistical Analysis.
    Prerequisite(s): 3.5 years of high school mathematics.
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 121 - Calculus I

    1 course unit
    Differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, application of the derivative to related rates, max-min problems, L’Hôpital’s Rule, and graphing. Introduction to integration, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
    Prerequisite(s): 3.5 years of high school mathematics.
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 122 - Calculus II

    1 course unit
    A continuation of MTH 121 Calculus I . Applications of the integral, integration techniques, numerical integration, infinite sequences and series, Taylor Series, and improper integrals.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 121 Calculus I .
    Meets general academic requirement G and effective Fall 2013 RG.
  • MTH 223 - Calculus III

    1 course unit
    Geometry of the plane and space, including vectors and surfaces. Multivariable calculus, including partial derivatives, Taylor’s Theorem in two variables, line and surface integrals, and Green’s Theorem.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 122 Calculus II .
  • MTH 226 - Linear Algebra

    1 course unit
    Matrices and systems of linear equations, determinants, real vector spaces and inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalue problems, and applications.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 122 Calculus II .
  • MTH 227 - Differential Equations

    1 course unit
    A study of the theory, methods of solution, and applications of differential equations and systems of differential equations. Topics will include the Laplace Transform, some numerical methods, and applications from the physical sciences and geometry.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 122 Calculus II .
  • MTH 240 - Transition to Abstract Mathematics

    1 course unit
    An introduction to abstract mathematical thought with emphasis on understanding and applying definitions, writing arguments to prove valid statements, and providing counterexamples to disprove invalid ones. Topics may include logic, introductory set theory, and elementary number theory, but the focus is on the process of reasoning rather than any particular subject or subdiscipline. It is strongly recommended that mathematics majors complete this course by the end of the sophomore year.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 122 Calculus II .
    Meets general academic requirement W
  • MTH 314 - Applied Mathematics & Modeling

    1 course unit
    Models describing physical and economic conditions will be constructed, analyzed, and tested. The computer will be used in model verification.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 227 Differential Equations .
  • MTH 318 - Operations Research

    1 course unit
    Linear programming, the transportation model, dynamic programming, decision analysis, game theory, and inventory and queuing models.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 226 Linear Algebra .
  • MTH 328 - Codes & Ciphers

    1 course unit
    This course is an introduction to the classical and modern methods for encoding secret messages (cryptography) and the science of breaking codes and ciphers (cryptanalysis). It blends the history of secret writing, the art of creating codes, and the mathematics underlying the theory and practice of encryption and decryption. Topics include substitution and transposition ciphers, applications of number theory to cryptanalysis, Vigenere and Hill ciphers, statistical methods in cryptanalysis, RSA encryption, and other public-key ciphers.
    Prerequisite(s): Any 200 level MTH course.
  • MTH 331 - Mathematical Statistics I

    1 course unit
    A study of probability, discrete and continuous random variables, the binomial, normal, Poisson, chi-square, t, and F distribution.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 122 Calculus II .
  • MTH 337 - Mathematical Analysis

    1 course unit
    Rigorous treatment of the real number system, sequence and function limits, continuity, differentiability, intermediate and mean value theorems, uniform continuity, the Riemann integral, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Offered in alternate years.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 223 Calculus III  and MTH 240 Transition to Abstract Mathematics .
  • MTH 342 - Advanced Geometry

    1 course unit
    An axiomatic approach to Euclidean geometry. The exploration of non-Euclidean geometries, including hyperbolic geometry. The study of transformational geometries. Offered in alternate years.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 240 Transition to Abstract Mathematics .
  • MTH 345 - Combinatorics & Graph Theory

    1 course unit
    An advanced course in discrete mathematics emphasizing counting and finite structures. Topics include fundamental laws of counting, generating functions, recursion, partitions, existence and optimization problems, graphs and digraphs, networks, the relationships between graphical invariants, lattices, Latin squares, design and coding theory, and Ramsey Theory.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 240 Transition to Abstract Mathematics .
  • MTH 353 - CUE: Landmarks of Mathematics

    1 course unit
    This course examines major developments in mathematics of historical importance from ancient through modern times. An emphasis is placed on concepts from geometry, algebra, calculus, analysis, number theory, and modern mathematics. The course focuses on the context in which mathematical results were discovered and the lives of the discoverers/creators.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 240 Transition to Abstract Mathematics .
  • MTH 370 - CUE: The Art of Problem Solving

    1 course unit
    Intended for students who enjoy solving mathematical problems in a variety of areas and who want to strengthen their creative mathematical skills, as well as their ability to write and present mathematical arguments. Topics include recreational problems (concise intellectual challenges), contest problems (precisely formulated mathematical challenges), logic problems (generally qualitative in nature), and modeling problems (quantitative and posed in a context).
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 240 Transition to Abstract Mathematics  and at least one 300 level mathematics course.

Media and Communication

  • COM 201 - Media & Society

    1 course unit
    Examines influences of mass media on participatory democracy and its cultural forms and the history, production, representation, and consumption of media in society. Introduces students to social science approaches to the study of communication phenomena, including the logic of inquiry, standards of evidence, and grounds for making claims about communicative behaviors. Topics may include social media, images and effects, corporate media culture, organizational structures of journalism, emergence of consumer culture, the Internet and digital media environments, and audience identification and interpretation of media.
    Meets general academic requirement B and effective Fall 2013 SL.
  • COM 208 - Communication in the Global Community

    1 course unit
    Provides a comparative analysis of the principles guiding the organization, development, and operations of media systems in different political, economic, social, and cultural contexts. Considers the global expansion of mass media and the increasing connections of world citizens in a “global community.” Compares the production, distribution, reception, and effects of mass mediated messages in countries around the world. Topics explored include media systems and their social and political contexts, media and revolution, global media intersections with local audiences, and politics of international news and entertainment flows.
  • COM 210 - Media: Legal & Constitutional Issues

    1 course unit
    Introduces the philosophy, history, development, and current interpretations of U.S. media law; explores constitutional rights, laws, precedents, and public concerns which guide U.S. media, the public, the courts, regulatory agencies, and policymakers.
    Prerequisite(s): COM 201 Media & Society .
  • COM 212 - New Information Technologies

    1 course unit
    Explores the prospects and problems that surround the introduction and diffusion of new information technologies in society. Students consider the social, political, economic, and cultural impacts of new information technologies on personal privacy, self-identity, social relationships, information access, and global citizenship. Thematic focus varies from semester to semester with case studies drawn from gaming, social media, virtual communities and realities, and computers and the organization of work and learning.
  • COM 216 - Communication & Public Relations

    1 course unit
    Explores public relations from a critical perspective with emphasis on communication theory and research into public relations practices. Topics include the origins and development of public relations, its role in society, principles of public relations theory and practice, and the ethical issues raised by various philosophies and practices of public relations.
    Prerequisite(s): COM 201 Media & Society .
  • COM 218 - Media & War

    1 course unit
    This course looks at the contested relationship between media and government in both historical and contemporary contexts. Students explore the representation of war in American news and entertainment media, taking an historical view of popular narratives around military interventions from conventional wars to the twenty-first century war on terror. Students will develop an understanding of the historical relationship between American foreign policy, popular history, media, and the press. Among the questions to be explored are the public’s right to know, reporters’ access to information, and government censorship.
  • COM 220, 221 - Free Culture

    1 course unit
    This course explores current debates surrounding free culture, specifically, 1) the history and development of notions of copyright in the nineteenth century and “intellectual property” in the twentieth century, 2) processes of media convergence and digitalization in today’s media, 3) the development of the free, open source software (FOSS) movement in the late 1970s and the challenge to proprietary software found in the Linux operation system, 4) digital distribution of music, the Napster debate, and remix culture in the music industry, 5) Wikimedia and the new power of “crowdsourcing” in knowledge labor, 6) Net neutrality, and 7) the philosophy and development of the digital commons, enshrined in the Creative Commons license and the legal implications of such licenses for artists, musicians, audiences, and citizens. Students will use an open source computer OS (Linux) and free software tools to contribute to a class digital project on a topic related to the free culture movement.
    Meets general academic requirement B and effective Fall 2013 SL (and W when offered as 221).
  • COM 225 - Journalistic Traditions

    1 course unit
    Introduces students to the great traditions of interpretive, documentary, and advocacy journalism and photojournalism. Includes analysis of exemplary works in the tradition and provides some opportunities to develop skills through individual projects.
  • COM 231 - Documentary Research

    1 course unit
    Explores the American tradition of social documentary, focusing on milestone projects, including the work of James Agee and Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, William Carlos Williams, and Robert Coles. Oral, visual, and textual modes of production are examined. Special focus is given to new digital forms of representation and their impact on production, distribution, and consumption. Framing this investigation are the ethical issues that emerge when rendering and representing individuals’ lives. Students are introduced to the fundamental skills of investigative research, interviewing, gathering and interpreting information, and using print and electronic archives and research, and produce their own multi-media documentary projects.
    Prerequisite(s): COM 201 Media & Society .
    Meets general academic requirement W.
  • COM 240 - Introduction to Film Analysis

    1 course unit
    Introduces different strategies and different approaches for analyzing film and video texts, including formal, narrative, social/cultural, and feminist. Students will develop an understanding of the grammar, vocabulary, and conventions of film and video production and the factors that shape viewers’ reception.
    Meets general academic requirement A and effective Fall 2013 HU.
  • COM 242 - Twentieth Century Media: Film, Radio, & Television

    1 course unit
    Analyzes the historical development of radio, film, and television genres, technologies, and formats and considers the cultural, economic, political, and social climates in which they evolved.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU
  • COM 244, 245 - Media & Social Movements

    1 course unit
    This class will examine the interrelationship between mass media and twentieth century social movements in the United States. How have actors within social movements used mass media to raise awareness, mobilize, and/or demand redress? How have various mass media portrayed those movements, actors, and events? Using an historical approach, we will explore how context-technological change, political, social, and economic climates-deeply influence how mass media and social movements interact. Primary attention will be given to social movements during the age of the Cold War (1945-1990), including the Civil Rights/Black Power, the New Left, the New Right, Feminist, and Gay Rights Movements. Students will be challenged to consider local examples of present-day social change advocacy in relation to media use and representation.
    Meets general academic requirement H and effective Fall 2013 HU (and W when offered as 245).
  • COM 251 - Fundamentals of Visual Communication

    1 course unit
    Introduces basic concepts of time-based visual media (film, video, digital) with an emphasis on the perception, operation, and experience of moving images, kinesics, and the structure and aesthetics of cinematic language. Students will learn how to work with cameras and audio and post-production equipment
  • COM 301 - Media Theory & Methods

    1 course unit
    Explores classic and contemporary media theories and research methodologies, including the historical and philosophical foundations of paradigm formation in media research, the social and institutional contexts that led to the emergence of the communication discipline, and current controversies within the field. This course builds upon principles and concepts introduced in Media & Society.
    Prerequisite(s): COM 201 Media & Society  and COM 231 Documentary Research .
  • COM 312 - Media Industries

    1 course unit
    Considers the forces (legal, political, economic, historical, and cultural) that shape what we watch on television, read in books, or hear on the radio. Explores a wide range of print and electronic media industries as well as developing media like the Internet. Economic and critical analysis is used to examine both the institutional forces and individualized decisions that ultimately shape the content and format of mass media messages. Selected topics include media conglomeration, target marketing, media integration and digital television, and globalization of media markets.

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