EDU 104, 105 - Educational Psychology: Child Learning & Development

Course unit(s): 1
Meets GAR: Meets general academic requirement SL (and W when offered as 105).
Prerequisite(s): Provisional admission to the program or permission of the instructor.
This course reflects knowledge derived from theory, research, and professional practice as it covers the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of infants and children (birth-9 years old) and the impact of this study for teaching and learning.  In addition to classic developmental theorists (Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson among others), students will explore a variety of topics that impact the child as learner at these stages of development, including but not limited to attachment, brain development, memory, fantasy and the imagination, the arts as a way of knowing, play behavior, friendship, the development of empathy, early understandings of justice, the use of public and private space, transition from home to school, and children in relation to authority.  Fieldwork is required.

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